Website / Internet Definitions
At Sac City Tech we don’t want to assume your level of knowledge. If you know all of this, great. For those that don’t, this information is here for your reference and may be helpful for you in communicating to us what you want and need. We don’t want to toss around a bunch of buzzwords or baffle our clients with unnecessary technical jargon. Our descriptions will be in simple to understand english. If you want super detailed descriptions, Google is your friend. For the more technically inclined, if you see a major oversight incorrect description, please feel free to Contact Us to point out the error keeping in mind that we are trying to keep it simple and basic here.
Domain Name – This is the unique name and address for your website. i.e. . Domain names are not free and are setup and maintained by companies / organizations called Registrars. Typical domain names can cost between $10-$15 / year or more depending on where you buy them, what services you choose to include with them such as privacy. The most sought after names for Businesses are the coveted .COM domains. These are getting harder and harder to come by but with some creativity, it’s still possible to find available .COM domains. If not, there are options such as .NET, .BIZ, .INFO and others.
Server – Computer that is designed to host data, web sites, databases and other software in this case to make a website work
Web Browser – Software that runs on your computer, phone or other device to display web pages.
Hosting / Hosting Account – Your website is HTML and other types of programming code that must live and run on a server. The hosting company will setup space for a website and make it available for pointing domain names to. The cost for this varies greatly depending on the website needs and payments can be monthly, quarterly, yearly or however the hosting company decides to charge for the service.
Landing Page – A simple, typically single page website that will contain information and/or provide links to other websites, blogs, etc.
Link / URL – An internet address that points to a unique website location. A link can be the main domain such as or an exact location to a specific page on a website such as
HTML – This is the website code that is used for all websites on the internet. While other programming languages and systems can be used with HTML, all websites use HTML to display the pretty webpages in our web browsers.
Copy Ready – This simply means that you must provide your content ready for display. Images should be of the highest quality possible. Text should have already been spellchecked and proofread. Text provided is copied to the appropriate pages once they have been designed and created.
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) – Allows data transmissions between a website and browser to be encrypted so that hackers monitoring a connection can’t see the data being transmitted. For example, when connecting to a Banking Website using only the sender and the Bank’s website have access to the information anyone trying to intercept the information in between the two will only see a bunch unreadable text.
JAVA, JAVASCRIPT, ASP, PHP – A few examples of programming languages to either do various tasks on your webpages.
CMS – Content Management System – Software on a Server where a website is located that is designed to allow easier management of content on a website, often without programming. A CMS will often use a database to store information. While coding may not be required, there can still be a steep learning curve and a lot of work to use. Examples of CMS software include Joomla, Dupral, WordPress and more.
Responsive Website / Design – This basically means that the website code will respond by displaying correctly on whatever device and browser the viewer is using to browse to the site be it a computer, phone, tablet, etc.