These common buzzwords can distract and cost valuable time and money for many!*
With Sac City Tech’s Interactive Videos, you can have a powerful, unique and cost effective way to market to your clients.
If you would like to save time and money while also attracting more clients to your business, Click Here to schedule a 15 minute session with us:
Most of the following is for more successful companies or entrepreneurs with healthy marketing budgets as well as the proper resources. For those with a limited or no marketing budget, if it’s not generating strong, quality leads that move on become a customer or client, it may not be worth you time or money.
Funnels – Basically a process and number of steps to send potential customers to information you want them to see and ultimately offer a product or service and/or collect their contact and other information in hopes to obtaining a qualified lead and hopefully a client/customer.
AI – Artificial Intelligence: Software capable of making various decisions and take actions in a human like way. Chatbots are a good example of AI.
Engagement – A process of connecting with your customers and interacting in several ways to create valuable relationships.
Views – How many times has your content been viewed.
SEO – Search Engine Optimization. Optimizing websites in such a way that Search Engines will display favorably (preferably on the first page) Can be very pricey and takes time and there are no guarantees.
Analytics – Collecting, analyzing activity of clients and on-line viewers for the purpose of review and reporting on those actives.
CRM – Customer Relationship Management – A system or software used to store customer information allowing easy access to information needed for various tasks.
Automation – Software that can automatically do time consuming, repetitive and complex task with little or no user intervention.
Viral – Videos or other content spread rapidly too many viewers in a relatively short period of time. This typically happens when viewers tell others or post on Social Media, Blogs, etc.
Regardless of if you are now, or planning to implement some or all of the above, the bottom line is that none of this matters if it’s not affecting your business in a positive and profitable way.
To find out if our Interactive Videos are right for you, schedule a free 15 Minute Phone or Zoom Consultation
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* Disclaimer: Every business and client is different and there are many definitions and ways to look at this. Use this information as you see fit and at your own risk. Sac City Tech makes no promises of any kind and shall be held completely harmless of any and all damages including but not limited to lost income, business reputation, failure, etc., that occur from the use of this information.